Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Two Months Old

We go for Eli's 2 month doctors appt tomorrow. Can't wait to see what he weighs! He's finally starting to get some chub!

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Today we were able to catch Eli smiling on camera! Recently I've been thinking that his smiles have been more intentional (not gas induced), but I'm marking today as his first real smile day. What a handsome little boy!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

This Past Week

Reagan wasn't feeling to great last week, so she spent a lot of time laying around. Here she is having a carpet-picnic.
Eli rolled over for the first time! My BIG boy! He was mid roll in the picture above and this is him after. I think he was pretty impressed with himself!
Later that day she decided to take a nap under Eli's swing.
Petey cuddled up in the boppy.
Reagan's first time to play with sidewalk chalk. Look...she can already spell her own name!! LOL
Eli napping on Daddy's side of the bed. He looks so little!
Story time!!
This is the face she makes when you ask her to show you her teeth
So handsome. I love this boy!
Reagan has her own flowers and a strawberry plant growing on her window sill.
The flowers just sprouted up this week!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Who's Who???

Can you tell my children are related??

Monday, May 03, 2010


The bluebonnets this year are not as plentiful as last year, but we did find a nice little patch to take our pictures. We didn't get any of Eli this time because it wasn't really a planned event and he wasn't dressed for photos (he had a onsie on that had spit up all over it). But I'm gonna try to take him back in the next day or so, before the weeds get taller than the flowers.