Prepare yourself folks, this is gonna be a long one!
Reagan all dressed up for our Annual Tacky Christmas Sweater Party.

Very tacky!

Cute, but still tacky.

We had a smaller crowd this year, but we all still had a good time (missin' the Bentons).

Our little tacky family.

David and Reagan on Christmas Eve-eve at Yaya and Grandad's house.

Nana and Reagan.


The four cousins. Reagan, Israel, Mikah, and Feliciti.

JUST the kid's gifts!!

All the adult gifts.

Time to open!

Christmas chaos.

Christmas Eve at church.

Christmas Morning.

Me, Mom, and Reagan.

We had a WHITE Christmas!! It snowed good the night before and David had to hurry outside to get proof before it all melted away.

Nana and Reagan.

Christmas morning breakfast.

Pot holders....what could those be for, I wonder.

Reagan making sure she got every last thing out of her stocking.

She really loved ripping the paper.

Two of my very lazy their sweaters, of course. It's cold!!

Daddy helping Reagan open a present.

Crystal and Matthew

Israel and Reagan waiting for Christmas dinner.

My dad, Cindy, Matthew and Crystal.

Israel ready to eat!

Ronnie, mom, and David ready as well. This year I made my first turkey. I use the terms "I made" very loosely because I had my mom to help and instruct me through the whole thing. But we did cook for 8 adults and 2 kids. It was a big dinner.

Reagan opening more presents. She had to go down for a nap before got to them all in the morning (I didn't want her to be sleepy and grumpy while opening presents), so we did the rest that afternoon.

Santa's BIG gift!!!

A Kitchen!

I love the look on her face here. She was soooo excited! We could have just got her this and nothing else and she would have been totally happy!

Two cooks in our new little kitchen!