This is the first bath that David and I were able to give Eli. The nurses have given him a couple over the past two weeks, but we're counting this one as his "first". I know it's hard to look past the stylish yellow smocks they make us wear and the feeding tube in his nose, but this is our reality now. We're makin' memories anyway we can.
After his bath, we covered him with a bunch of towels. So cute!
After Eli's bath I nursed him and then he got the hiccups. There's a loud beeping in the background of this video because the kid in the bed next him had a monitor going off.
Saturday April 3, 2010
Our family, minus Eli :( , at our church Easter picnic and egg hunt.
Reagan hunting eggs. We had practice egg hunts in our backyard the day before so she would know what to do. And she did great!
Reagan checking out her loot.
Picnic time!
That is one cute PB&J face!
Our Life Group men and their kiddos.
Reagan and Israel before church on Easter morning.
After church with our sleepy head.
Eli's first Easter.
His Easter basket is the soccer ball behind him.
The Easter bunny came to visit Reagan in a BIG way!
Another egg hunt at Yaya's house.
An update, play by play of Eli's surgery and recovery is in the works. It's a super long story and I honestly haven't had time to type it all out yet. But keep an eye's coming.
This blog is for all our friends and family to see what the Ziebarth household is up to on a semi regular basis. We're not that interesting, but our sweet babies are!! Hope you enjoy!