Hello friends and family!! It's that special time of year again. When the tree is up, the lights are on, the smell of oranges and cinnamon fill the house, and it's time to make our annual Christmas card! I know it may be hard to think about Christmas when I just finished making pies for tomorrows orgy of food, but times-a-tickin' people. We only have a few more weeks before these cards have to get in the mail.
Now, every year I get my Christmas cards from Shutterfly. I like their selection the best. Kodak just doesn't compare, and while I did toy with the idea of using Hallmark (they address and stamp your envelopes for you), they too were lacking when it came to cards to choose from. So, yes, Shutterfly it was for me again this year...but wait! My favorite card website wanted to love on me back this year!! Thanks to my handy-dandy family blog, I now can get my beautiful cards for FREE!! You heard me, FREE! Really...just when I thought I may have to get generic on what I'm thankful for this Thanksgiving, they hand me something new to add to my thank you list!
If you to are looking for something cute to send in the mail this year, you can check out the wide variety of cards available:
Also, if you're a coupon lover like me, here's another freebie for ya! Go here:
and make a calender of your sweet family, save it, and on Jan 1, 2011 you enter the promo code FREECALENDER and you can get your calender free!!
While you're in the creative spirit, you can make a photo mug!
My mom has one of these with Reagan all over it and I'm determined to steal it one day!
Now I know this may sound like one big ad for Shutterfly....and it is, but if you to want your free Christmas cards, go to this web site http://bit.ly/sfly2010 and sign up to get yours!!
For now I will leave you with this small taste of the cuteness over load you'll be receiving in your mailbox in a few short weeks...

Thanks again to Kelly at www.kellygarveyphotography.com !!
You made our family look adorable!!