This kid blows me away sometimes. I know it may be difficult to understand her at some points (unless you speak Reagan), but she "reads" the whole book! Really it's just memorized, but still impressive. :)
I know it's a little early, but with the winter weather causing us to be stuck in the house, I thought we'd do our Valentine's project a little early. I know it might be hard to believe, but Reagan really did most of this on her own. She glued paper onto some letters, colored others with her crayons, and did all the stickers herself. All i did was supervise and help a little with cutting out the paper to be glued down...oh and i hung it up.
spreading glue is fun!!
Finished product! (sorry about the poor hanging job...David will have to fix it when he gets home)
This blog is for all our friends and family to see what the Ziebarth household is up to on a semi regular basis. We're not that interesting, but our sweet babies are!! Hope you enjoy!