Saturday, June 26, 2010


She's about to be able to climb out of her crib!! Really she could if she wanted to. What to do?? Too big for a crib, too crazy for a toddler bed....


  1. Those kids are just too adorable!Cant wait til ya'll get up here! Love ya bunches

  2. Love it! Reagan is TOO CUTE! (Mama, you might want to get a toddler bed now...better to have her fall asleep on the floor than to have a broken arm falling out of a crib.) Love you Guys!

  3. Well...Feliciti is also big enough to climb out and has been for a long time but we just told her the dangers of falling and she has been fine. Also they make these netted tops to cribs that a few of my friends have used that you can get at Target...worth a shot! =) Cant' wait to see you Wednesday!
