Friday, May 22, 2009

A BIG Bow For A BIG Girl

As most of you know, we love a bow on our little girl. Well, recently we decided that we need to move Reagan up to the big girl bows, because her's were all looking too small on her big girl head. If you weren't aware, bows, and especially big ones, are very expensive. So I have taken up bow making to cut the cost. This is not one of my better bows, but it is by far the biggest! I kinda think she looks like Minnie Mouse!!


  1. Haha I love it, it looks great!!

  2. A Beauitful Bow can never be too big! Especially on our Girl! She's Adorable!!!

  3. Oh how I love a big bow! She looks fantastic and you are so talented!

  4. She is just such a cutie Cant wait to see ya real soon!
