Well, not a whole lot going on around the Ziebarth house this past week. Reagan and I are just trying to recover from the flu...not swine flu, we only tested positive for the regular flu. So, in lieu of anything super interesting, I thought I would post a couple of updates. Reagan now has hair!! It's been a very slow process, but I've noticed it a lot more in the past couple of weeks. It's really kinda cute too. She has these baby curls in the back and I love to sit there and twirl them with my fingers!
Now, I know these aren't the best pictures, but they're meant to showcase her hair, not my photography ability!

Also, since Reagan walks everywhere, she falls down a lot. Mostly when she's trying to go somewhere fast and her feet can't keep up with the rest of her body. So, consequently, she had several bruises on her forehead. She used to get them on her knees too, but now mainly, she likes to bang her head into the tile. Please, do not call CPS...we do not beat our child!!!

And finally, today I got her on video giving me kisses! It's so cute!! She's been doing it for at least a month now, but this was the first time she would do it on camera. Also, now she comes up to us randomly and gives us kisses without us asking. Steals my heart!