Today was Reagan's FIRST birthday party!! Yea!!! The theme was zebra print and hot pink. We want to thank all of friends and family for coming to wish her a happy first birthday!!
Her birthday invitation.
Cake and decorations.

Birthday plate.

More decorations.

The Birthday Girl!! All decked out in her zebra dress and bow!!

Play time in the play room.

Reagan loved going down the slide and then she would turn around and climb back up it in stead of going to the back.

Presents!!! A zebra Word fitting!

She loves her new baby and baby stroller that the Benton's got her! Thanks!!

More presents!

David and I got Reagan her first bible!

Yea! Thanks Nana for my little people circus train! I love it!!
This is it!! The big moment! Reagan's very first sugar!

This is GREAT!

You guys have been holding out on me!

Now she's really getting into it.

Bath time!

The aftermath...

Israel, Reagan and Bella. Thanks for dressing in theme girls!
Looks like a great time was had by everyone especially Reagan eating her cake!We've got our light on for ya here in Kentucky, See you both on tuesday!Love ya bunches
ReplyDeleteThat looked like one great party! I love the plate, where did you get that? Ryan was upset he missed out but I told him that he could play with Reagan soon.
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun party for Miss Reagan's 1st birthday! She is Adorable in her zebra dress and bow! I love the plate too and the cake! Great job Richelle! We are excited about seeing you both on Tues.!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great party!! Thanks for sharing your pictures and video. We can't believe Reagan is a year old!!!