Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Park and Pigtails

There's a new elementary school that was built last year that's within walking distance of our house and on Sunday, we walked up there and took advantage of their playground. It's the perfect size for her. It even says that it's for kids ages 2-5.
Swinging on the handicap swing with Daddy.
It was a really windy day.
Today....we did pigtails!! For the first time. Man, it really makes her look like a kid or a little girl and not a baby.


  1. She is just too cute!!! Much love to you all

  2. So sweet! I can't wait to be able to brade her hair!!! Love it :)

  3. Yeah pigtails! It's a pretty monumental time for a mom to have her baby girls hair up! WOW!!!
